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The four companions lived joyfully till Part-2(चार साथी खुशी से रहते थे)

 The four companions lived joyfully till

The four companions lived joyfully till

The four companions lived joyfully till one day they found the deer missing. Deer missing. They looked all over, lastly the raven found the deer entangled by the tracker in his net.

He returned to his companions and said enthusiastically. I have seen our companion in a defenseless condition, trapped in the tracker's net." I can help him, yelled the mouse. "Indeed I truly can if by some stroke of good luck I could lay my teeth on that net.

The turtle popped his head out and said, 'Indeed, that shouldn't

Be troublesome."

The raven said, 'Gracious, indeed, that can be sorted out. Come ride on my back. I'll take you to the spot.

The bird traveled to the spot, showed the mouse where the caught

Deer was and in the wake of letting him fall down, looked out for the branch

Of a tree. Pick up the pace!' said the raven, 'Take care of your business rapidly and

See that our companion is liberated before the tracker returns."

The mouse snacked at the net as quick as possible, and soon the deer was free. Much thanks to you. My companions, the deer said, 'Presently let us take off as fast as possible

As the mouse was going to mount the raven, them three saw old turtle gradually arriving at the spot. The deer said. 'Unfortunate you! For what reason did you go out of the way to come here? You realize you are slow and assuming that the tracker returns we three could without much of a stretch departure. Yet, what might be said about you? I am so stressed."

Unexpectedly, they saw the tracker with a bow and bolts, and a pack swinging behind him. The astute raven adapted to the situation. Listen cautiously,' he said, 'We can in any case get away.' To the deer he said, "You would be advised to profess to be faltering and attempt to draw the tracker towards you as you run towards the woodland. Yet, if it's not too much trouble, avoid him.' To the turtle he said, 'You slow mentor, profess to

Conceal inside your shell, however attempt to stand out for him. Concerning you my companion, hasten about with the goal that the tracker will decidedly check the turtle out.'

The tracker, as anticipated by the finesse raven, halted as he saw the deer. He likewise saw the turtle and on second thought of pursuing the deer who dillydallied about, shared with himself, 'It will be a dining experience day for me-deer meat and tasty turtle soup! As the deer has not seen me yet, let me handle the turtle

First.' He tied him up in his pack and left it close to the tree, and turned towards the deer. Ok! You are right there!' said he, and pursued it. The deer who had imagined it had not seen the tracker woke up and attracted the tracker, who continued squandering his bolts. Abruptly, the deer left the open space and ran into the wilderness, the tracker pursuing him to no end. In the in the mean time, the mouse had as of now

Snacked at the line of the sack that detained the turtle, Out came the turtle and advanced toward security gradually and consistently.

The raven descended and offered a lift to the mouse and escaped to somewhere safe, leaving the eager tracker just to dream about the deer meat and the rich turtle soup.


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