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The Story of Arjuna part-1 vishalstudiospjav

                 The Story of Arjuna

The Story of Arjuna

Once upon a time there lived in India a little prince named Arjuna. When his father died, he and his brothers went to live with their grandfather Bhishma and their cousins. Bhishma was a very good and wise man and was very kind to children,

Sometimes the boys were very naughty and awkward and not easy to control. Grandpa himself would say. “I wish I could find a wise teacher for these children. I like having someone to help me raise them to be good princes and teach them the right values ​​in life.”

One day the boys went to play in a nearby forest. They had great fun throwing the ball high in the air and trying to catch it as it fell down. Suddenly, due to a bad throw by one of them, the ball fell into a deep well. "What will we do now?" some of the boys asked helplessly. “The ball is lost and we have no other ball to play with. Little Arjuna, who was looking around, suddenly shouted, “There is a Brahmin sitting by that tree. Maybe he could help us.

The holy man smiled as the boys ran up to him with their problem. "With what ill aim you must send the ball into so great a well!" he remarked. "But don't worry, I'll help you if you promise to give me dinner."

"We'll give you our dinner!" cried the princes. You will have much more than that. You must return home with us, and our grandfather, the great Bhishma, will reward you handsomely: "Very well," said the holy man, "now watch what I do."

First he took off his ring and threw it into the well. Then he plucked a blade of coarse grass. He aimed and flew fast and straight like an arrow into a well

All the boys ran to look into the well: they saw that the tip of a blade of grass had pierced the ball. He then pulled out another blade, aimed as before, and sent this one flying in the same manner into the well. The children were surprised to see that the second blade pierced the top of the first. Again and again the holy man threw a blade of grass, and each time it pierced the blade below him, so that they all stood on top of each other, forming a long chain. He then asked little Arjuna to pull the chain. The boy did it quickly and at the end of the chain was the ball they lost!

Now I will get my ring,” said the old man. He pulled out another blade of grass and sent it into the well as before. Within a short time it came with a ring surrounding it.

The princes were very amazed at what they saw. "What is your name, sir?" they asked him respectfully. "My name is Drona," said the holy man. “Go and tell

your grandfather that I am here."

How quickly the little princes ran home to the palace to spread the news of the wonderful things they had seen in the forest!

“This Brahmin must be the wise man I have been waiting for,” Bhishma said to himself. "I have heard many stories about him and his wisdom. He will come to live in my household and teach the boy many useful things. Above all, he must learn to aim well and shoot straight, as princes should."

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